
DCP (Diploma in Computer Programing)

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DCP (Diploma in Computer Programing)

 Ø  Programming in C

þ Introduction of C

þ Program Structure

þ Input and Output

þ Basic Data Types

þ Variable Type

þ Operator & Its Type

þ Array & Functions

þ Strings

þ Structure Data Type

þ Working with Files

Ø  Visual Basic 6.0

þ Introduction of Visual Basic

þ Properties, Methods and Events

þ Data Types & Variable Declaration

þ Operators and Expressions

þ Input and Output Operations in VB6

þ Option Button and Frame Controls

þ Line & Shape Control

þ Working with Date & Time and Numbers

þ Fixing the Overflow errors in V86

þ Menu & Popup Menu

þ Validation, Error Handling & Clipboard Objects

Ø  Oracle (RDBMS)

þ Introduction to SQL

þ SQL + Commands

þ Function and Operators

þ Report Using SQL Plus

þ View, SQL + Input

þ Introduction to PL/SQL

þ Procedures & Functions


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